Wednesday, March 23, 2011

If I Could Change The World

Ahh. 30 Day Challenge--Day 24: Something You Wish You Could Change.

I have to admit, my first three thoughts around this challenge involved thinking about song lyrics involving the word "change." Namely, "Change The World" by Eric Clapton, "Changes" by Tupac, and "Changes" by David Bowie. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how my brain works.

But back to the challenge. What would I change? That's a big question, but I think I've got it, and I'm gonna go deep here, so hang on.

I would change the constant barrage of lies, both explicit and self-imposed, that are fed to young girls and women. I would change the constant pressure to be prettier, skinnier, smarter, stupider, more athletic, funnier, more successful, in need of approval, and whatever else a girl could struggle with. I would change the media's glorification of sex and the lie that a girl isn't complete unless she's attached to some boy. I would change the grip Satan has on the heart of so many girls and women who beat themselves up over these very things and who just don't understand that God made them just the way they are. Yeah, that's a lot to change, but the world would be a better place without all that.


Katie said...

way more deep than mine, good job. tupac is the man.

KtB in DC said...

so is clapton,

I like your thoughts

Anonymous said...

YOU TOOK MINE!!! That's cool because you put it in better words, but I was totally going to say something similar! WOW!! Same mind!