Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Friends Are There To Help You

I never cease to be overwhelmed with thankfulness for all the relationships the Lord has blessed me with. He has abundantly provided me with amazing friends and mentors in my life and there is a whole community of people who I could easily look to and say they've gotten me through the most (the topic of today's challenge). Despite difficult times, I can honestly say that I've never had to bear burdens alone, and that has nothing to do with me deserving it and everything to do with Jesus looking out.

With all that being said, I'm posting the below picture of two my dearest and longest friends: Jordan and Petra. We have all three been friends since we were 16ish and have seen each other at the best and worst. We've traveled the world together, prayed together, cried together, caused trouble together, grown up together, made mistakes together, celebrated successes together, shared life together. I love them both in very different ways and our relationships look very different. They have different strengths, gifts and passions, and I love that. So here it goes:

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