Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Halfway There

It's day 15 of the 30 day blog challenge, which means I'm halfway done. To be honest, it is kind of sad because, while none of the challenges have been especially life altering, I've enjoyed having to take a few minutes out of my day to think specifically about the challenge at hand.

Today's challenge is something you want to do before you die. I've never really sat down and made a "bucket list" (although I think it's a great idea), so I don't really have a readily available list of things to choose from for today, which is almost harder than having to narrow down options. I have several places I'd like to go (which I think is a later challenge), but only one thing really came to mind that I feel like I need to do before I die, and that's write a book.

I attempted writing my first book in the 3rd grade, dabbled in a few other writing ventures in middle and high school, but my freshman year in Psych 101 I got the inspiration for the book I actually want to write. It spawned from learning about a rare condition called Prosopagnosia, which is a long word for an inability to recognize faces. Despite all of the warnings I received about how psychology would challenge my faith, it never did anything but point out ever so clearly the human condition and man's need for God. All that to say, I'd like the book to be about factors in life/the world that keep us from recognizing the face of God. There's a book in that thought somewhere, I'm sure of it.

1 comment:

jordan said...

:) i remember when you learned about that. and it's still a good idea. doooo it. my dad can help you publish, hahaha. HuG!