Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Challenge Accepted

My friends know me so well. My dear friend Katie B. posted on her blog about a 30 Day Blog Challenge that she knew I couldn't resist. Several years ago, a similar challenge resulted in the "100 Things You May or May Not Know About Me " post (which I should revisit, because I think it's probably somewhat outdated), which was lots of fun, and I'm excited because I am always looking for ways to increase my blog output. So here it goes, for the next 30 days I shall be completing some form of challenge and posting it on my blog. I have no idea what that will consist of, since I just found out about this like 15 minutes ago.

30 Day Challenge--Day 1: A picture of yourself with 15 facts

1. My favorite color is green.
2. My bookshelf is slowing collecting more and more children's books.
3. I am terrible at making decisions.
4. I play as a major component of my job.
5. My favorite song on Just Dance 2 is "Hey Ya" unless I'm playing with Meredith, in which case it's "Girlfriend."
6. I mentor a hilarious and adorable 7 year old girl, who makes my heart happy.
7. I have a poinsettia from Christmas still in my living room and I just don't know what to do with it...feels wrong to throw it away.
8. I hate feet.
9. I LOVE living by myself.
10. I have known my best friend since I was 15 and I love that she just lives one mile down the road.
11. I haven't been home to Myrtle Beach in over a year (I have seen my family though).
12. Over the past few years I have started collecting owl things, but I'm kind of particular about it, so don't go getting me owl stuff and make me the girl with the weird owl collection.
13. I LOVE kettle corn, especially from the state fair.
14. My favorite character on "How I Met Your Mother" is Marshall. He's amazing.
15. Sunshine and Diet Coke always make me happy.

1 comment:

Kim Moser said...

i am pumped about the 30 day challenge...keep the entries coming, Brookie!