Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bonus Post

Despite the fact that I have about 13 things I need to be doing rather than doing a SECOND post in one day, I said I would blog this, so I need to keep my word.

My best friend married a wonderful guy named Brian, who I'm lucky enough to have as a friend. Despite many attempts to be funny, Brian is only genuinely funny about 37% of the time. This works to his advantage because when he really is funny, I feel compelled to blog about it.

The following is a paraphrase of a story Brian told us tonight:

"So the past few nights I've been having these dreams where I'm choking people. And I keep squeezing but they just won't die."

Insert raised eyebrows and lots of laughter.

"I mean, they're always bad guys, but, I don't know, it was all in outer space and stuff and man, Justin Bieber just wouldn't die...and he was causing trouble on my space ship."

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