Wednesday, February 09, 2005

The Notebook

Curse good chick flicks!

I don't usually cry in movies, and I am not usually one to enjoy sappy little chick flicks, but man, if you havent seen The Notebook, I recommend you do.

Katie told me it would be good...she was right, thanks lady.

I will be the first to admit that I am a hopeless romantic. I long for the fairy tale romance right along with the rest of the world. Well, perhaps fairy tale isn't the right description because I am not looking for that perfectly wrapped little package of love, weighed down with some illusion of easiness and perfection. No, I want the kind that takes my breath away, tells me when I'm wrong, kicks me in the butt, pushes me to be something better than what I'm doing, and demands hard work. The stuff that makes you cry, laugh, melt, scream, whatever, but at the end of the day you wouldn't have it any other way.

That's kind of how the movie is.

But how can you think about love and NOT think about the author and perfector of love. No, the movie has absolutely no spiritual context, it wasn't any form of Christian message, but God is love and I can't see love without turning my thoughts to God.

God doesn't let go of us, He doesn't give up on us, and His love for us will do miracles. His love is fully sustaining and perfect, bigger than anything we deserve, but He goes further than that in providing us people to love and to love us. He has a perfect love story waiting for all (whether it be of the marriage sort or not), and of course our relationship with Him.

There is a reason why people are so attracted to romance and love. God is love and deep down we are all yearning for God.

I can't wait to be married. Just imagining the kind of person God will bless me with. It exciting, something so worth waiting for and something I definitely don't want to taint with a bunch of other relationships-not at all. I'm just not interested, when God's ready He'll send me the memo.

Ok, I have unleashed the emo kid for long enough, please don't leave any ridiculous, sappy comments. I have done enough of that. Just seek God kids, His love with bless you more and fill you more than any relationship ever could...that whole relationship stuff, just a lovely side blessing He choses to send our way.

In a way I feel sorta dumb for writing this. Don't comment on that either.


Anonymous said...

Don't feel dumb my lil brooke, cause I was just thinking the same thing! It's amazing how twinish we are. How awesome that God is guarding our hearts for something SOOOO Good! Waiting isn't the easiest thing to do, but it is the most rewarding-waiting on that one person you get to love the rest of your life! Until that lovely day, he's ALL we need. Any questions girls?

Anonymous said...

Thanks, girls...Sometimes I need to put my yearning for a guy in perspective...and y'all are the perfect girls to help me with it! I love you!

Anonymous said...

Its great to wait on a guy and you guys are on the right track...but how about stepping it up another level? Instead of thinking so much about this mystery man, put those energies into getting closer to God. He wants your full attention right now. Being single is when you have the greatest ability to serve.