Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Giorno di Amor

Ahh...Valentines Day, the day of love...it's kind of sad that people hate it so much or allow it to get them so depressed. Yes, maybe it is a bit commercialized and yeah sometimes watchings all the couples in restuarants can me annoying, but man I love this day.

And what a great day it was...

I have always been a fan of giving Valentines, you know, the silly little cards with cartoons on them that say fun things like "I'm falling for you" or "You're a great Val Pal." Ahh they are little pieces of cardboard that can bring such joy to people's lives. Sure, most people stopped giving them out in like 5th grade when teachers stopped requiring it, but it's something I have continued to do and plan on doing in the future.

I got all kinds of Valentines love today, most of which is nicely posted on my wall for my constant admiration...I've met good people here at school, and build some really great friendships...Thanks God.

And because today is a day worthy of celebration, what is better than getting all dressed up (which includes pretending like I know how to use a curling iron) and going out with a bunch of equally well dressed kids to IHOP...thats right, the International House of Pancakes. There were 9 of us and only 7 other people in the entire place. It was fun though...pigs in a blanket and hashbrowns...mmmmmm.

It was just nice being able to hang out, laugh, sing, and enjoy people's company, that is what I believe Valentines Day should be about, being with people you love, which doesn't mean you have to be romantically involved.

I for one enjoy spreading love.

Ok its late and I really ought to be scooting to bed, but I hope you all had a wonderful day full of love, smiles and encouragement.

God is love, fool. So if today is the day of love, then I guess it's the day of God too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoa Brooke, you have some HOT friends!:)