Monday, April 27, 2009

The internet is a dark, scary abyss... that I get sucked into far too often.

I love the internet for various reasons. Communication with just about everyone I know is at my fingertips...I can get answers to burning questions like "Did that dude ever do any other movies?" or "What's the name of that kid who did that movie about that stuff?" in seconds...I can watch just about anything I can think of from my childhood thanks to somebody on YouTube...and I can spend hours looking at things that I don't need to buy, and thus making me feel somewhat more materialistic than I probably already am.

I have been pondering the idea of a digital SLR for sometime now. When they first came out, they were way out of my price range, but over the years a decent camera has become quite reasonably priced and my income has become much more steady than it has been the past few years. And recently, I have been doing a lot of browsing around on several websites and have found some potentially really sweet deals on the camera that I am thinking about.

But when it really comes down to it, I don't need it, I just want it. And while I feel like I am in a phase of life where it is slightly more acceptable to be a little more self-indulgent, I am still quite torn. And what is worse is that the more I look into them, the more obligated I feel to actually buy one now that I've invested so much time.

Plus, I am incredibly indecisive.

What to do about my soul.....

Day Fourteen:
  1. That I live in a neighborhood with so many children. They provide endless moments of entertainment.
  2. That a song I like came on the radio in the weight room that gave me that extra few minutes of motivation to finish my workout.
  3. Fresh strawberries that Jordan was willing to share with me.
  4. Random phone calls from my friend Petra.
  5. That the Lord wakes me up every morning :)


Katie said...

ahhh #7!

Sara said...

if you get a camera, NIKON NIKON NIKON!!!!