Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I guess they like me...

...or if not...i am getting very mixed signals ;)

Today was Administrative Professionals Appreciation Day and I had no clue.

So I pull up to the Y this morning and I notice something weird is on my office window. My first thought was "What did after school do to my office?" (Sorry FGT). But when I walked inside I was overwhelmed with a display of streamers, balloons, flowers, and all sorts of goodies :) The directors had decorated my office just for the occasion! It was totally a surprise and it just made my heart happy. They are too good to me, seriously. It 's always encouraging to hear that you are doing a good job and that you are contributing to the team, but in all honestly, I have been more than supported in my job and I know that is a HUGE factor in why I am able to get things done.

This is as I walked in the door....
...and this is my desk (check out the fancy streamer job)

See what I mean, spoiled!Handcrafted my Meredith Cox herself. "It's green, because you like green" :)

I wonder who might have been the creator of this work of art?
And of course, the BEAUTIFUL flowers. So pretty I had to go home and take pictures :)

Day Nine:
  1. I think it goes without saying, the opportunity to have the job I do and work with the people that I do and all the kindness they bestow on me.
  2. That the state licensing people were not scary or mean and were willing to help me understand what I need to do to meet compliance.
  3. Classic Rock-n-Roll music and the boogie woogie piano.
  4. That I am going to the Pickle Festival with my bff on Saturday.
  5. That the best costume I saw today was put together by a little girl and her daddy :)

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