Monday, January 31, 2005

Latent Conviction

"Speak your latent conviction, and it shall be the universal sense; for the inmost in due time becomes the outmost" -Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self Reliance

I believe, that one of the biggest problems amongst Christians today, is that too many people, who are calling themselves Christians, and who very well may fully and completely understand and accept Jesus's teaching, keep their faith hidden.

Therefore, because so many aren't going out and expressing their faith, their conviction, the message is not getting out.

Perhaps though, part of the problem is not just a hidden faith, but a lack of true conviction, not really being pushed (or in some cases kicked in the butt by God) to do His will.

We must make our inmost the outmost.

Emerson, speaks much truth in this aspect. Just imagine the revolution that could take place, the "universal sense" that could be achieved, if we just lifted our voices a bit.

Ahh, God's grace and love is soo can people not talk about it.

Like it says in Matthew, a city on a hill cannot be hidden and our light can shine to the whole world.

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