So, I have very much been on this obnoxious (but ever so delicious) gummy bear kick the past, ehh week or so and I have noticed that I have a very specific (and originally unconscious) way of eating my gummy bears.
First I eliminate the green and yellow ones (typically the green go first followed by the yellow ones but sometimes I eat them together) and then comes the pesky little pineapple clear ones, followed by the orange and (saving the best for last) slowly ration out to red ones the rest of the time I am enjoying my gummies.
Well, being the psychologists that I am (I have had three semesters after all) I am thinking that there is definitely some deeply rooted psychological finding and revelation to be had by analyzing how I and others consume gummy bears and other candies that could be sorted by flavor and/or color.
So my challenge to you, my beloved readers, is tell me...How do you eat your gummy bears (or other candies as described above)???