Monday, June 06, 2005


So as of Saturday I am officially 19-years-old...whoot whoot for me. I must say, I want to give major major thanks to all of my super awesome friends who really made my birthday awesome...this includes everyone from my personal chefs Stephen and Jordan to the WU kids who came all the way to Rockfish to play with me...Seriously...thanks, it was awesome.

So pretty much this is the deal...for the next three weeks I am with the CITs (Counselors in Training) and man, that's a l-o-n-g assignment. It's exciting, on the one hand because we get to do a lot of trips and special activities and whatnot, but at the same time, it's a pretty demanding assignment as well, but it has all been prayerfully considered and approached and so I know that God has put Luke and I with these kids for a reason.

I canoed today for the first time since my first summer working and that made me very happy, seeing as how canoing is my favorite camp activity.

Well I am off for now...

P.S. This whole sending me mail deal hasnt quite panned out, I mean, I'm not mad, but guys...I put the address right up so you didn't have to work too hard...::wink:: just kidding, or maybe not


Stephen Crotts said...

Ahh, Brooke....twas a good time indeed. I'm so glad we got to come. Tell Jeff, General Face girl, and the Grand Exalted and Sublime High Priest of Burgerdom that I said hello, and that I wish I was eating his cooking right now. Have a grand time with the younglings, maybe some of your glorious counseling skills will rub off.

Anonymous said...

Brooke, I had muchos fun this weekend. I'm sure the next three weeks will be great. Tell everyone I said hi as well.