Wednesday, March 02, 2005

It makes me happy

that our room is always so full of laughter. Whether is it just Maggie and I cracking each other up or if we are blessed with the company of some of the other lovely ladies on the hall, our hearts are light in this place. It's nice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you know what? today i was listening to this voicemail that i left courtney on her phone a few days ago, and i had to listen to it twice. do you want to know WHY?? because, let me tell you, my pattern of speech and the way i said things said frighteningly like YOU! (not that you sound frightening, of course, it was merely the similarity that was shocking....) so, in any case, i thought you needed to know that.... you also need to know that i hope your break is off to a smashing start, and that you are enjoying homecooked food and flip flop-less showers. until my next profound thought comes along (which, as we all know, will not be long....)