Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Brooke Currie--Teen Sensation

Turn Up the Latino Heat

Geez oh man what a night!

I do not think I have laughed so incredibly hard as I did tonight in a really long time; especially of my own self-entertainment, no real outside stimuli, unless you count Maggie.

Not only did I rehash an old addiction and turned on some professional wrestling tonigh, yes, as in WWE and as in I definitely still remembered HBK's finishing move (sweet chin music). So I was thoroughly entertained by myself and the middle school version of myself who was incredibly addicted to such a thing, not that is bad, and I admit, it's still quite a fun diversion, but still. So that in and of itself was entertaining.

But that is not all.

For some reason, I actually know the reason but it's far too complicated to explain here, but Maggie and I got on this "latino" kick which involves poorly executed Mexican accents and many a comment on "latino heat" and "latin lovers".

Man, I have not laughed so hard...I was definitely crying, not just watery eyes, but tears rolling out and laughing out loud to the point of no noise. Ahh it was great. Surely people must have thought we were high or something due to the fact that one of us would mutter some comment, barely getting it out, and then laugh uncontrollably for 5 minutes or so.

Good times. God blesses us with laughter that is so for sure.

P.S. And I learned that there is actually an official pot smoking magazine today called High Times...steve hurley is a fountain of infinite wisdom ::wink::

Friday, March 25, 2005

Friday Afternoon

I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend my time after such a stressful week locked up in my room. Ahh sleeping in the sunshine, playing model, movie and dinner. Good times.

Why not climb a tree in a skirt?

Under the tree

Me and Erica


Get her Erica

Katie and Me in the sunshine!

Lil Katie

How beautiful does Erica look?

Thursday, March 24, 2005


I can't even really fathom why I would sit here and spend any longer in front of my computer screen when that has been where my face has been glued for this entire week.

I have been an academic hermit, completely locked away in my little room, coming out only for food and class. It's been rather horrible, but I feel incredibly accomplished.

So I am sitting here having successfully written a TWENTY ONE page paper. Holy cow, I didn't think I had that in me. It has been stressful, that's for sure, but I wouldn't say it was by any means a horrible experience and for some reason I don't think this will be the last time such an assignment or project lays on my shoulders.

Sometimes I really hate how consuming academics can be. This has always been a fault of mine, that even though I don't really see myself as an over achiever or perfectionist, I tend to get very, Very, VERY focused and consumed with my schoolwork. And a lot of the times it's not neccesarily that I desire to be so involved in my work, but it's so unavoidable. I mean, I am paying to be here, I am investing time and money into these classes and therefore I have to do well. I am capable of doing well and I can't allow myself to only put in any less than my best work.

Sometimes that kind of work ethic is as controlling my overactive conscious ::wink:: even though I would say both are for my good and I appreciate them in the long run.

I am ready to get back to normal life though. I am ready to live off of something other than processed sugar and caffine. I am ready to be able to just visit with people again, hang out. I am ready to be able to pick up my cell phone or get on Instant Messenger and not feel guilty about what I should be getting done. Heck, I am dying to get back to Cardio Sculpt and ::gasp:: even going running with Maggie. And please God let there be sunshine next week because I am ready to spend a few hours soaking up those rays.

Ahh, I am going to sleep so well tonight, having the peace of accomplishing something so big and putting forth a good effort.

Tomorrow afternoon my brain is farting...BIG TIME.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

My Mother

So my mom is going to Las Vegas for Spring Break. For some reason I find that really amusing to say. I'm really happy she is going though, she never really takes any time off for herself and from what I hear this is her first "adult" vacation she has ever been able to go one. I mean we always took family vacations and stuff, but I never remember her and my dad or even just her ever taking a weekend off or anything, so I am glad she is getting to do this with some of her friends. Now, I just have to trust she won't go too crazy and get married or something :) But she is getting a facial...good for her.

You know, my mom is a pretty amazing lady. Now, don't get me wrong, she is one of the few people who can get under my skin quicker than anything, but she's pretty amazing. I mean, not only has she spent WAY MORE than her fair share of hours in the car taking me back and forth to camp and all the other places I've needed (or sometimes just wanted to go) that definitely weren't the top of her to-do list BUT she's also been the perfect hostess to up to seven extra camp kids at a time. She is a single mom with THREE kids in college, and while I'm probably not the best kid ever, my brothers are far more moody and emotional than any girls I know. On top of all the required motherly stuff shes in charge of like a million different committees and organizations, heading up the church fundraiser, and is in charge of both the Cub Scout and Boy Scout groups here. Not to mention, she is pretty easy going as far as letting us do pretty much everything we've wanted to do (within reason of course).

So yeah, this is my little "Ode to Mom. " I could go on, but I shall refrain. I'm glad she gets to take a vacation. She deserves it.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

It makes me happy

that our room is always so full of laughter. Whether is it just Maggie and I cracking each other up or if we are blessed with the company of some of the other lovely ladies on the hall, our hearts are light in this place. It's nice.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


So it's March 1st.

Holy heck! where has the school year gone. In only two months we will be out of school and I would have officially completed my first year of college. When did I get so old, and so accomplished ::smile::

It just completely baffles me how the year has gone by soo quickly. I guess a good portion can be attributed to the fact that I am as happy as I am, as blessed as I am, and as busy as I am (academically or not).

Sometime in the future...when the end of the year is nearer, I am going to reflect on the many ways I have changed over the past year, but for right now...I will relish in what I've got here.

Man, for some strange reason I really missed the Academy today...who would of thunk it?

Need a pick-me-up?

Recite Dashboard lyrics witha British, Scotish, Australian accent.

Guarenteed to bring a smile to your face...worked with Maggie.