Friday, September 09, 2005

I Hope This Isn't Serious

I fear that I may be growing into some awkward like for having the bed made.


I have never been one to enjoy making the bed, much to my mother's despair, in fact I have always held to the fact that an unmade bed is MUCH more inviting and that there was no real point in making a bed just to mess it up again.

But yesterday I was changing my sheets and I felt compelled to make my entire bed and as I was lying on top of it earlier, I sorta liked it being does look a lot neater. But still, unmade and messy, I believe is a bit more my style.

This bedmaking this better not become some kind of trend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

uhoh brooke...maybe this is just a phase. You'll regain hold of your senses in a few days....good luck and happy snoring...
