Thursday, September 15, 2005

Can't Stop, Won't Stop

There are several kids around campus who have shirts with the "Can't Stop, Won't Stop" phrase on them, I think they're from Irmo or something like that.

Well I may not be from Irmo, but I believe I might operate on this principle, not that it's bad neccesarily, just annoying when I really would rather quit and give up on something than stick it out.

I'm not a quitter, when I start stuff-I finish it; when I'm in something-I'm there; Friendships, relationships, work obligations, all such things-I'm loyal. I just can't back out on stuff, and when I consider it I go through these lengthy battles with my conscience about it all and it often leads to more stress than I needed, because in the end I knew whatever it was I was thinking about not doing, I was still going to do.

Since the second day of class I have wanted to drop my philosophy class. I liked to rationalize that I didn't have the time to devote to it, or I wasn't ready for the class, but the truth is, I'm intimidated by the class and I am not sure I will get an A so I would rather quit than be challenged and get a B (heaven forbid).

I went to wherever and got the form ready to drop, I contacted the professor, checked my advisor's hours but I can't bring myself to drop it. I know I am capable of the work.

Curses darn work ethic and crap like that.

1 comment:

alaterfriend said...

rehab is for quitters Brooke, you hear me, quitters. your big brother rique. you do it. do the dang thing!!!