Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Good Things That Happen Before Noon

Although it is just now moving towards the 10:30 hour, there have been signigicant reasons already to make today a good day. They are as follows:

1. Despite having gone to bed way late and waking up at an obnoxiously early hour (and by obnoxiously early I mean 8:00) than I normally do and after having been absolutely exhausted all yesterday, I woke up quite energized and I must say I am "alive, awake, enthusiastic."

2. Props to my biology lecture class! A girl got sick in my class and not only was the teacher incredibly helpful to her and not made she was interupting a test, but when the professor had to leave the room there was not a whisper or a shuffle through notebooks, everyone just sat there and continued taking their test--that so would not have happened in high school.

3. Chemistry majors are cute with their little protective eyewear and aprons.

4. Someone genuinely responded to the smile I gave them. It wasn't some elaborate exchange, but he took the time to stop his conversation on the phone for a brief second, smile, say hello, and go on his way.

5. Frank is in the CD player.

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