Sunday, April 25, 2010

It's Nice to Know Somethings Never Change

Like sitting around a campfire. It will always bring about laughter, good conversation, and strolls down memory lane that will stir up something nostalgic deep within me. Stories you have heard at least a hundred times will be told, but no one cares. The night will grow later and later, but no one wants to get up and leave, so you just let the fire burn down. So many of my fondest and most special memories were created around campfires.

I made a trip back to Rockfish today and for the first time in the past year it felt like home again. I had the opportunity to visit with some people I haven't seen in years, and it's such a blessing to know that some people will always be important in my life and that the time I've spent with them is so unique and impactful, that it doesn't matter if years go by between visits. Man, I love that place and all the people that have been brought into my life through it.

1 comment:

Katie said...

ya know, I was hardcore missing rockfish one day last week. I thought about all the stuff I learned there! Character wise, Jesus wise, and fun wise. the

Brooke and Katie Camp Rock. that's the name, let's get crackin, partner :)