Friday, December 01, 2006

Well I Guess This is Growing Up

Maybe you've experienced it, maybe you haven't...but sometimes there are moments in life when you just realize you're growing up. Not neccesarily anything tragic or lifechanging (although, that will certainly do it), but those moments when you just sort of realize that things that you've clung to or enjoyed in the past just aren't as interesting anymore, or that you are just ready to be beyond things that are sort of immature, yet quite a natural part of growing up. It's kind of a hard feeling to explain, though I guarentee most of you will start feeling it soon.

It's kind of been like that lately...just coming to realize that, I'm growing up.

To be honest, I always have thought of myself as mentally being a lot older than my chronological age at anytime (starting in at least middle school), but it doesn't take much to realize how wrong I was, but the other day I was thinking about the first week of college, how completely overwhelming that was. It was never so overwhelming I just had a mental breakdown or anything, but even in the past two years and I see where I have grown up. One particular instance that came to mind was one of the many trips I took to Thomson by myself freshman year (which I didn't mind and still like doing on occasion). It was one of the first days of school and at this point I only knew how to get to Thomson by one particular route. Well, somewhere in the process, I walked down a different road, arrived at Thomson, but had no clue which door to go in to get to the cafeteria. I must have looked lost, even though I am sure I was doing my best to pretend like I knew where I was going, because some girl was like "You can get to the caf from that door" and of course (secretly releaved) I responded "Oh yeah, I know." But even small things like that, heh, were just a few years ago college seemed like such a big deal and now I am wanting to be part of a big, grand adventure.

Anywho, what brought this on is that in the past few days I have had a few instances in where I felt my adult mind starting to kick in:

1. I felt this desire to subscribe to a professional journal
2. I want to host a dinner party
3. I realized I chose to listen to (and enjoyed) the Adult Alternative station on Launchcast

So there you go. That's pretty much all I have to say on this for right now, and yes, I get a chuckle out of the fact that a post of growing up can have a title so very connected to the middleschool version of myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

growing old sucks...
but i think amongst all those feelings of losing what we loved when we were younger, we get a thrill when we are able to experience those same satisfactions once in awhile as adults....

i want you to host a dinner party!! grace and i will "cook", she enjoys it...i like stirring things...:)

and on another note about growing old...i can't imagine what 21 will be like around my family...they don't drink a lot, but do so "socially" i can imagine my uncle asking me if i want a cold one....kinda scary....

dont know if this made sense but i wanted to post anyways