Wednesday, March 08, 2006

i am going to put this out there: immaturity is the root of all evil.

perhaps not "evil" in its truest sense, but evil to the degree that it is too often the root of my frustration. and i am not talking about immaturity as in, goofing off sometimes or knowing how to be silly, i mean just people not knowing how to act like adults or at least conduct themselves properly. it's always bothered me, and now more than ever it seems to be dominating.

why can't people pick up after themselves? why are some of the kids in my honors classes some of the most immature kids i interact with? why do some girls honestly not realize the world is bigger than what daddy can buy and who you will marry? why can't parents discipline their children? why am i more capable of doing the job of people who are supposed to be instructing me? why are guys so stupid?

i think a root of a lot of problems with the church lie in immaturity. people not seeking to know God more deeply, settling for contentment, not understanding the cross, men not knowing how to lead, women being ok with that (which is an issue i could spend hours on). imagine a world if we all acted like we ought to, the way God lays it out for us.

i just pray that believers can ask God for maturity in faith, realizing that God and his kingdom is so much bigger than our Christian friends and church on sunday and campus ministries and catchy t-shirts and carrying our Bible to class, not that any of those things are bad in and of themselves, but what if behind all those things we had a deep knowledge of God's soverignty and power and love and might?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you completely. And the whole men not knowing how to lead...I could spend hours on that topic as well.
