Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Soggy Sweatpants

there is a pair of soaking wet tevas outside 204 in Margaret Nance, not to mention grass on my icy cold toes and a pair of very soggy sweatpants in the dryer.

honestly, it kinda makes me feel like being poetic.

it's funny how the soaked bottoms of my jeans was of utmost annoyance to me today, yet sitting here, only freshly changed from being soaked from head to toe, I am in a complete state of happy.

it sorta feels like a scene from some movie like Garden State, some sort of liberation from something, although you don't really know what but it's just one of those moments you know you should commit to memory.

it really is a beautiful night, not nearly as cold as the gray day and rainy weather would lead you to believe. the puddles glistened as we ran and stomped through them. the whole time i felt like i should yell something at the top of my lungs but i didn't know what.

at one point, after much stomping, i just stood under this stream of water pouring off of the roof. it was amazing, refreshing, exciting.

i do believe, that one of the most attractice looks come from being soaked head to toe with once done hair askew and raindrops dripping off your nose--that, i just got caught in the rain and i enjoyed it kind of look. except we didn't get caught in the rain--the rain caught our attention.

perhaps one day i shall dance in the rain, in a glowing parking lot or perhaps a field.

thank you katie and brandy...my night is now perfect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was beautiful indeed. God simply amazes me with every little thing in life, the pouring rain is just something else to enjoy! Thanks for playing with us Brooke!
