Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My Wednesdays Are Never Boring

On Wednesday afternoons, I mentor an amazing (and crazy!) 6 year old girl with an awesome program called Community Hope. We have pretty basic rules for our time together: focus, have a good attitude, obey, make good guesses; and together we read books and talk and play games. It's a pretty awesome way to spend my Wednesday afternoons. And although we go through a wide array of emotions together each time we meet and despite the fact she's wide open and can't sit still, I love her. All of that to say, she says some pretty funny things that keep me laughing. Here are some samplings from tonight:

While answering our response questions to the book, The Little Red Hen:

S: I just have a question. Are you a grown up?
Me: Yes.
S: Ok, because my other mentor isn't a grown up.

When asked to use the word "young" in a sentence:

S: I am 18 years young.
(I totally counted it!)

And my personal favorite, when asked to use "were" in a sentence:

S: Were you at the club last night because you know I hate it when you go to the club without me.

In other news, I'm not entirely sure when I reached the point where a bowl of cereal and cherry pie constitutes a dinner.

1 comment:

jruss said...

this makes me smile.
you rock my world.
thanks for sharing.