Wednesday, December 09, 2009

In the spirit of Christmas...

...well sort of.

Since we are right smack dab in the middle of the Christmas season, and gift giving is on the mind, I am taking a suggestion from my pal Meredith and doing a Top 10 Gifts list. It is important to note that these will not be ranked in any particular order and I have been fortunate to receive many thoughtful and special gifts from many thoughtful and special people in my lifetime.

Top 10 Gifts:

  1. A box full of Ritter Sport Mint Chocolate Bars (my favorite ever and very hard to locate), special ordered from some European good store by Jordan.
  2. My "Beau Coeur" (that's French for Beautiful Heart) ring from Mags. It's beautiful and I love it!
  3. My pearl earrings and necklace from my grandparents, given on my 16th and 21st birthdays.
  4. My (now) ratty and holey Winthrop Eagles t-shirt that Katie stuck in my suitcase before leaving Winthrop for the summer.
  5. A copy of The Giving Tree with a note in the front cover from Jordan Cauley.
  6. Ceramic hanging picture frames from my brother Ryan. They were a great choice and suit my taste perfectly.
  7. My whole set of dishes, but most specifically my teapot, from my mom :)
  8. My ipod. Let's face it I would be lost without it and it is probably one of the most used things I own.
  9. A "room warming" picture/collage from Stephen Crotts. It has a picture of me, Rockfish and the Prayer of St. Francis on it.
  10. Sunrise in Tupperware, a song written by my friend Natasha for me our senior of high school that she debuted to me at our Academy graduation party.
I'm one blessed girl, and a bound to be sleepy one if I don't go to bed!

1 comment:

Lady Akery said...

:) i love you