Saturday, December 03, 2005

"Remember your childhood...and pass it on

I remember as a kid pretending to have "discovered" buried treasure in my backyard. I always wanted to find some amazing discovery that no one knew about. It's that moment when you come upon something so new to your senses and experiences that can be so overwhelming. Sometimes, its the journey to the discovery that gives us the satisfaction more than the discovery itself. Other times, its realizing that you may be the first, if not only, person to have this discovery. So, do you remember when you discovered something for the first time? If you think about it, everyday life is filled with discovery. That is if we are willing to look. For whether its a treasure, another land, true love, a matching sock, or even destiny...its like finding a secret doorway that you never knew was there...and then walking through it."

a little joy from some borrowed reading.

1 comment:

Stephen Crotts said...

"The Joy of the journey is enought to make a grown man cry."